Internship Continued

This past week I've had a great time getting to work with the guys in Doc Robinson.  We have started prepping for a new project that I can't tell you too much about right now but I can tell you its going to be a lot of fun to make and I'm sure you will enjoy it.  A lot of my time this week has been spent working with the Dick and Jane Project.  Both Nick and George from the band are heavily involved with the program and they asked me to help out with the sessions and record some video for a highlight reel that I may be creating.  Dick and Jane Project is a Columbus based non-profit that works with young students to create original music written by the kids.  Getting to help these kids express themselves in new ways and really let their voices be heard is an incredible feeling.  I can't wait to continue working with them and I hope in involvement with the organization continues to grow. 

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